For the power of surrender

My dearest friend Josh hand me the little slip from fortune cookie yesterday saying "here, this is a good one for ya". It read "God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces".

"Indeed" I said and we both shook our heads and smiled at each other.
It is so simple yet so hard to surrender our pain, our worries and our fears. And you don't need to call it God you do not need to give it a name or a box. We as humans do so easily cling on some things, pains, words, statements and judgements. For some reason we just cannot let go of things trying to keep at least a little piece of suffering, little piece of sadness, anger or rebellion.

We linger in our states of numbness, pain, bitterness and for some reason we cannot let go and surrender to a bigger power, even though we are not capable of solving our worries and our pains and we always move two steps ahead and one back. I am saying we although I'm speaking for my self.

And I realized it is not only the surrendering of worries or pains. In general, we do have problems to give ourselves fully into something, always leaving some little piece of us for the rainy days.
I remember 8 years ago on January 28th, 2003 to completely surrender as i realized I could no longer deal with my mother's illness and also admitted it was beyond my power to help or change anything. The very same day my mother died and it started this long journey of faith and believing in something bigger then us.

So yes I'm definitely thankful for being able to surrender what cannot be solved and let the worries take care of themselves...
So I did yesterday...


  1. Sometimes in life the hardest thing to do is to let go in order to move forward. I agree with you and I think that the past is just a part of who we are now and it should not hold us back of what we can be. I think the hardest part for me is actually surrendering completely from the past. Everyday is a challenge but I know now my journey is to move forward, with no hesitation and no regrets. Great blog, thank you!


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